Key Stage 3:

Year 8:

· Ireland, Britain and Europe in the Norman period.

o We study the struggle for succession to the English throne in 1066 and then explore the impact the Normans had on English and Irish society, including the Feudal System, the Domesday survey and the arrival of the Normans in Ireland from 1169

· History of the Native Americans.

o We explore the customs, beliefs and traditions of the native American peoples, as well as their relationship with white settlers in the American Plains

Year 9:

· Ireland, Britain and Europe 1450-1700

o We begin Year 9 by finding out about the voyages of discovery which took place in the 15th and 16th centuries, when European explorers discovered new territories, including America

o We then study the Tudor and Stuart Kings and Queens of England and we look at conflicts which arose between King Henry VIII and the Pope, as well as between King Charles I and Parliament

o We find out about the Reformation and the establishment of Protestant churches in Europe and Britain

o Finally we explore the battles and conflicts of the late 17th Century, which helped shape modern Ireland, as well as sowing the seeds for some of the difficulties faced in Ireland in the 20th Century

Year 10:

· First World War

o We study the impact of the First World War on ordinary people, whose lives were hugely changed by this conflict; particularly those who fought in the War

· Ireland 1845-1925, including the partition of Ireland

o We explore the events from 1845 onwards which helped shape modern Ireland, and which also led to its partition in the early 1920s. We also explore the impact of partition on Northern Ireland and what eventually became the Republic of Ireland

· Persecution of the Jews in Europe, 1933-45

o We find out about one of the most significant and horrific periods of human history, and explore the reasons why we should remember these events

· Civil Rights in the USA 1955-65

o We look at the struggles of black American citizens to gain full and equal rights in their country, as well as the conflicts between state and federal governments on Civil Rights issues. We explore the successes achieved by the Civil Rights movement, as well as the challenges which remain to this day.